December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas to you all

As our family is in the middle of a 4-location process of celebrating Christmas with family and friends, I've found a few moments to stop and say a few words here.

First, I want to wish you all a merry Christmas. Each one of us has our own circumstances, and Christmas can be a time of anxiety for many, but no matter how you choose to spend Christmas this year, I pray many blessings for each one of you.

Second, I would like to thank each one of you that takes the time to read this newsletter, and laugh at the funny postings, ponder the thoughtful ones, and simply praise God for the many opportunities He has placed me into during 2007. Many new doors have been opened for me. Many new performing experiences have happened, in many cool places I have never been. I sincerely believe that many of these opportunities are because I have friends around the world like all of you praying for these times of ministry and entertainment.

And last, as we enter into this new year, I have no idea what will come our way, either good or bad. But I hope that each of you can experience, at least in part, the joy that I feel in my own life right now. I have a beautiful wife, two kids whom I love with all my heart, a roof over my head, a dependable vehicle, a home church that we are plugged into regularly, a "job" that I wouldn't trade for the world, and a Savior that was born 2000 years ago. I honestly wonder how other people live a life, with deep meaning and purpose, without knowing the God that created them. I don't understand it, but will try and spend the rest of my life introducing them to Him.

Jesus was born in a stable, and He is "The Reason" our family celebrates Christmas. Gifts, lights, trees; they're all the peripheral parts of the celebration. The focus, for me, is Christ.

It sounds so cliche when it is spoken, but when you think about it, it has real meaning:

Have a merry Christmas,
and a happy new year.

December 18, 2007

How does your age define success?

I realize that this short segment isn't ministry oriented, but with all of the various age groups I perform for, I find it laugh-out-loud funny. Please excuse the potty humor in the first and last lines. -DonB!

At age 4 success is . . not peeing in your pants.
At age 12 success is . . having friends.
At age 16 success is . . having a drivers license.
At age 35 success is . . having money.
At age 50 success is . . having money.
At age 70 success is . . having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is . . having friends.
At age 80 success is . . not peeing in your pants.

Pass this on to someone who could use a laugh.

December 9, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Are you as cold as I am?

I am writing this from the Fort Wayne, Indiana airport. My flight this morning back to Minneapolis has been cancelled due to the freezing rain that has been falling here for the last 3 hours. I have been rescheduled onto a later flight today, and I am hoping it actually happens.

Last night I had the privilege of performing at Fellowship Missionary Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I was invited by Bill Hickle to be the entertainment/speaker at their volunteer group leader's appreciation dinner.

I performed in a beautiful, multi-purpose room. A better name would be "theatre", or sanctuary/gymnasium. The stage was huge, the sound was top-notch and the lighting had about a billion options. It was state of the art.

I did about a 50-minute show, including my testimony. I was given a few names of folks to incorporate into the show, and every one of them did a fantastic job! I really enjoy getting the folks onstage, because it really makes the show what it is, and folks like to see people onstage, as long as "I don't have to be the one he picks". As for message, I didn't share anything "deep", simply because I'd be "preaching to the choir". Instead, my goal was to help each of them have a good time, and maybe even be inspired by the amazing ways that God can use each one of us to reach the unsaved, whether it is with juggling, as an accountant, a small group leader or a full time parent. God's purpose runs through every facet of life, no matter how big or small we might consider it

I also want to thank Tom and his wife for opening up their home at the last minute for me to stay in, as the time constraints on getting to the airport would have been tough if I would have stayed with my friend, Pastor Barry Jorris. Barry, I'll catch you next time you are in Mora. It was also great to talk with Tom about how proud he is of his son, willingly serving in the armed forces. Tom's a proud Dad, as all parents of military personal should be. Thanks to the freedoms that they've fought for over the years, I am able to freely write my thoughts here on the internet. Thanks to all military folk.

I also was able to attend the 8:15 service at Fellowship church, and I am amazed on many levels. The church is very active in their community, including the pastor (25 years in this church) whose focus is serving his commmunity through the resources that Fellowship has. I great service, with a great message, in a great group of believers.

Well folks, it's about time for me to head over to my gate. The rain is still falling, but I'm still hopin' and prayin' that we eventually get out of here. It's a nice place, but I don't want to "live" here...

I'll try and write again soon, but for now, let me wish you all a very Merry CHRISTmas. God has really blessed my family this year, and I pray that all of you will find the peace and opportunities that only God can offer us.

Thankful every day,


December 1, 2007

Am I an antique, or a flea?

Last night, at my program at Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church for the Higher Expectations Program, a friend that I hadn't seen for quite some time showed up: Jack Nordin! He's the magician/juggler/clown that actually invited me to go do my first ministry program with him, even before I knew what ministry was.

Anyhow, Jack brought his beautiful wife, Phyllis, along with some grand kids and their friends. After the program, Jack gave me this important piece of information: While traveling in Maryland, as well as in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, Jack was going around in antique/flea market stores. Lo and behold, (imagine the sound of angels singing here) he found a copy of the DonB! video! That's right: my stuff has been circulated enough that it actually has started appearing in antique stores!

Life is a little more complete for me. I only wonder, am I an antique, or a "flea market" item? Hmmm

Stay safe in all the snow (if you are in Minnesota). Stay safe everywhere else too.
