April 26, 2007

DonB! is a character...

On April 16th, I was asked to play "an English guy" for the Women's Tea at our church. So, with the proper costuming, and the proper name, Nigel Foursquare, I led the women in a "Tea Quiz".

I used my best grumpy English accent, flirted with some of the ladies, and had a great time. The organizer said that on the evaluation cards, my name came up a few times as their favorite thing from the tea time.
So you see, I can do things other than juggle and ride a unicycle. I can't do much, but I can imitate an English guy when needed.

Cheerio to you Chaps.

DonB! is Cruising again!

This Sunday, I, along with my daughter Deanna, will be cruising to Jamaica on the Music Boat Cruise. I will be performing once in the Ritz Lounge, and performing close-up illusions for the guests before some of the concerts and while they are waiting to board the ship.

We will be cruising on the same ship as Debbie and I performed on in January, The Fascination.

We will be with music artists such as SonicFlood, Nicole C. Mullen, Kutless, Salvador and many others. I'll post pictures when we get back. Maybe I'll even have a tan...hmmmmm.

April 23, 2007

New Unicycle is a hit with the audience

On my March 19th post about my new unicycle, you can see a picture of it in 5-foot form. Well, I converted it to its 7-foot design, and used it last Friday at the Grin Doctors Show that Mike Norton and I presented here in Mora.

I was able to free-mount it the first time, and it worked beautifully.

Well, last night I used it again at Elm Creek Community Church and my wife, Debbie, took a few pictures of it. I really love it, but it's about as high as I can possibly jump vertically to get on it.

DonB! makes the Newspaper

In the April 9th, 2007 edition of the West Central Tribune, Willmar, Minnesota, this picture appeared from the Easter Egg-stravaganza that I performed at.

The text reads:
Professional circus entertainer DonB! performs Saturday atop a large unicycle during the Easter Egg-stravaganza at the Assembly of God Church. The church holiday event also included an Easter Egg hunt.
Thanks to Dustin Kelm for sending me the newspaper copy.

April 16, 2007

Another great Optical Illusion

I found this ambigram on the internet today, and thought you all may enjoy it. Thanks to the creator, I have permission to print it here.

At first, I didn't see the uniqueness of this word. But as you look closer, you'll see that in WHITEit spells JESUS, and in BLACK it spells CHRIST. Neat, huh?

"Ambigram designed by Punya Mishra http://punyamishra.com/ "
Posted here with permission from creater (2007)

clipped from punya.educ.msu.edu
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DonB! spent the weekend in Winnipeg

I returned last night from a 3-day trip to Winnipeg, where I performed at the Slap Happy Daze clown conference. I presented my "Dr. of Merriment" program, did a short 2 spots for the Clown Worship service on Sunday, as well as helped out with a few classes with Brenda Marshall, clown expert (seen in picture above).
I have posted some pictures from the conference HERE. Some of them are blurry, but it's the best I could get with my camera. And, some of the photos will only make sense to those that were at the conference, but feel free to look at them anyway.

I had a great time, got caught up with some old friends, made some new ones, and just had an all around fun time.

If any clowns from the conference have pictures of me, or anything I was involved in, please let me know. I would love to have copies of the photos.

April 12, 2007

DonB! Ministries Praise

On March 5th, I did my Upward Basketball show for First Assembly in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Pastor Barry Jorris sent this comment back:

"Entertainment quality was great. Lots of laughter that the families really enjoyed."

Thanks Pastor Barry for giving me the opportunity to come back (this is the 3rd time) to perform and minister to the families there. To other churches he said:

"You will laugh and be amazed at the talent level, and they will hear Jesus."

April 8, 2007

DonB! at the Easter EGG-stravaganza

The egg, and the Message.

Last Saturday, I, along with my family, went over to Willmar, Minnesota, to the Willmar Assembly of God Church, where my good clown buddy, Pastor Randy Christensen and his family live.

Since this was a first time event for the church, Randy didn't know how many people to expect. He said, "It could be anything over 200." Willmar Assembly sent out a postcard for the event to every house in Willmar. With God's blessing, over 900 people showed up, many of them without a home church. It proves that when a church, as a whole, gets behind an outreach event, especially when it is designed for kids, this is how successful it can be.

The event was the Easter EGG-stravaganza, where 5000 eggs were spread around the church grounds for kids to collect. Just prior to the egg hunt, I did a 40-minute show along with a "Meaning of Easter" message.

So, along with collecting candy and jumping on inflatable moon bounces, they had a few laughs at the show and heard the Easter presentation. MORE PICTURES

April 6, 2007

10 More Decisions!!!

This Wednesday I was at Bethel Church in Owatonna, Minnesota. I presented "The DonB! Variety Show" with an Easter message, and then later in the program presented a straight-forward Gospel presentation. When the invitation was given 11 people came forward, 10 of whom indicated a decision to follow after Christ.

The program was a really fun program, with a lot of laughter, and some great volunteers from the audience. It was another great night of entertainment and ministry.